The following resources may be useful to providers interested in parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT):
- PRIDE Poster: Download and print a poster that outlines the fundamentals of child-directed interaction, the first phase of parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT). Or click here for another, kid-friendly option.
- Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) & Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory-Revised (SESBI-R): Used together, the ECBI and SESBI-R are reliable and valid instruments for efficient screening and tracking of disruptive behaviors.
Dr. Beth Troutman's seminar on attachment at the University of Auckland, New Zealand on February 18, 2020
Powerpoints from presentations at PCIT Potpourri, Mercy Children's Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, July 20, 2018.
- Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: A Family Based Intervention for Children with Hearing Differences: Adams, Caverly, & Day
- Prezi: Pushing Further with TCIT: Behavior Management Social Thinking Social-Emotional Learning
- Teacher-Child Interaction Training
- Additional Resources on Attachment and Procedural Memory KC Training
Powerpoints and handouts from presentations at the Midwest Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Conference in Omaha, Nebraska, May 17 & 18, 2018.
- Keynote for Midwest PCIT conference: Troutman
- Identifying Christian Principles in PCIT: Ryan Thompson
- Making your PCIT More Autism Friendly: Pelzel & Franklin
- Family Feud on Engagement and Barriers to PCIT: Guzman & Troutman
- Community Implementation of TCIT: Troutman, Momany, Slagle, & Urquiza
- DPICS Dancing: Troutman, Girard, & Guzman
- How to get your PCIT-eligible families to graduate from PCIT: Pacheco-Cornejo
- Analogies for PCIT HW: Girard
- CDI HW Flashcards - Spanish: Girard
- CDI HW Flashcards: Girard
- Direct Command Sentence Stems: Girard
- Family Engagement Teaching Tools and Coaching in PCIT: Girard
- Spanish Visual Learners IDN: Girard
- Visual Learners CDI Do Don't Skills: Girard
- Instructions for printing the HW flashcards: Girard
- PDI HW Level 1 - Spanish: Girard
- PDI HW Level 1: Girard
- PDI HW Level 2 - Spanish: Girard
- PDI HW Level 2: Girard
- PDI HW Level 3 - Spanish: Girard
- PDI HW Level 3: Girard
- PDI HW Level 4 - Spanish: Girard
- PDI HW Level 4: Girard
- PDI HW Level 5 - Spanish: Girard
- PDI HW Level 5: Girard
- Positive Opposite HW Focus - Spanish: Girard
- Positive Opposite HW Focus: Girard
- Real Life Commands: Girard
Powerpoints from University of Iowa presentations at the 16th Annual Conference on Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Traumatized Children, September 21 & 22, 2016, Los Angeles, California.
Does teaching parents to give time-outs hurt their attachment relationships with their children?
Powerpoints and handouts from the 3rd Biennial University of Iowa PCIT Tune-Up, May 12 & 13, 2016:
- Mobile Clinics & PCIT: Meeting Clients in the Field; Dr. Emma Girard
- Teacher-Child Interaction Training (TCIT): Dr. Emma Girard
- Teacher-Child Interaction Training (TCIT): Julie King
- Code Switching: Dr. Marta Shinn
- Iowa-PCIT CDI Handouts: Dr. Beth Troutman
- Iowa-PCIT Scaffolding Handout: Dr. Beth Troutman
- Code the Trainers’ Coaching: Katie Arkema, Kami Guzman, Beth Troutman, Nikki Van Ginkel, and Rebecca Whitlock
- Family Mealtime Coaching: Dr. Marta Shinn
- ImPACTing your PCIT: Dr. Kelly Pelzel
- Dangerous & Destructive Family Feud: Kami Guzman, Kelli Slagle Radermacher, Dr. Marta Shinn, Dr. Beth Troutman, Rebecca Whitlock
- Let's Play-Iowa: Arlene Turner
- Active Play Handout: Arlene Turner
- Shoo Fly: Arlene Turner
Powerpoints and handouts from 2nd Biennial University of Iowa PCIT Tune-Up, April 28 & 29, 2014:
- Code the Coach - CDI
- Decision Rules Order
- PCIT with Deaf & Hard of Hearing Families
- DPICS: Daring Psychiatrist Interprets Coding System
- Not Praise Words
- Praise Words
- Priority Order Trumping Rules
- Recovering with PCIT
***Powerpoints from 5th Washington State PCIT Conference, Seattle, WA, March, 2015:
- Using Research on Attachment Theory to Inform PCIT Coaching
- Why Do Parents Seek Our Help But Reject Our Excellent, Evidence-Based Advice?